Top 5 python training institute in bangalore

Finding a good Training institute is difficult most of the times and you may end up in enrolling in some institute which is not up to the mark.Before shortlisting an institute you need to ask few questions from the institute or their sales team:

1. Hands on And Real Time Project: Without Real time Problems and enough hands on ,learning is incomplete and with just the theoretical knowledge,You wont be able to utilize your skills at your,Ask them few details about  the Project and also check if project is included in the course. 

2. Trainer Qualification And Experience : Verify if trainer has really domain experience and is proficient in the subject.

3. Course Content: Also Check If they provide any hard copy or Soft copy of Course Content.

4. Free Demo Class: Ask for a demo session before enrolling.If the institute is really good and then they will never refuse for free demo. 

5. Reviews:
Check the reviews for that particular course, which will give you an idea about their quality.Beware of the fake reviews and ratings.

6. Refund Policy :  Check for  the refund Policy.If they fail to deliver the way they promised,Check if you are eligible for refund.Check details on their refund policy.

7. Placement Support ; Check for the industry tie up of institute and ask them how they are going to provide you placement. Dont join institute which says ,"100 % Job Guarantee".Its fake and they are fooling you .Trust me,You will neither learn anything there nor you will get a Job.

8. Quantity Vs Quality: Dont decide based on the number of topics that are covered in the course.Check for whether the topics are covered in depth.Its better to learn few things well than many things poorly.

9. Course Fee: Most of the local training institute will not mention the course Fee on their website and they charge different price from different candidates.You can negotiate with them for Fee if they have not published course Fee on their website..Also Dont Comprise on quality.

Here is a list of some Python Training Institute in Bangalore: 

1. They Provide exclusive  Python Course and  has many python related course to offer.
This is one of the good institute for data science and learning python automation.

YouTube Channel : No
Online Training: Yes
Course Features:
Hands-on Python training
Free Notes
Course Completion Certificates.
Internship And Job Assistance.

2. Learnbay: Provide Basic and Advance Python With Network Automation.They provide  best python training in Bangalore for Automation.They have a very good reviews on Google/Facebook And Also youtube channel where you can check the quality of content.10+ free classroom sample recordings are available.

Online Training: Yes
You Tube Channel: Learnbay- Youtube

Course Features: 
Practical training and hands on
Expert Instructor
Full Access to the Previous Class Recording and digital Content.
Min Projects And Case Study.
Placement Support And Job Assistance.

3. Peopleclick: Peopleclick  provides Python Django And Automation training in Bangalore.

YouTube Channel: No,But they have some promotional Videos on you-tube.
Course Features:
Practical Course Material 
Placement Support
Assignment And Course Content.

4. Ria Institute - Marathahalli: Apart from Python,They Provide Training in C/C++ ,Database and many other course.
You tube Channel: No
Online Training: No
Course Feature:
Placement Support
Weekday Training Available.

5. IndrasaAcademy:  They have Multiple center in marathahalli, koramangala, BTL Layout.They Provide Django Framework As well.
Course Features:
Django Framework.

You can search on google ,Sulekha,Yet5 and urbanpro as well to find the institute which provides python training in Bangalore.


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